Polling Day Over? 4 Ways You Can Re-Use Unwanted Corflute Election Signs
ShareCorflute signs can be used for many different purposes, but perhaps the most prolific use of corrugated plastic in Australia is for election signage.
Australians typically vote in at least one state, federal or local government election each year. For every election, thousands of corflute signs are printed for the campaign and subsequently discarded. Unfortunately, many recyclers are unable to accept unwanted corflutes, as they need to be processed in a way different to most plastics. If you have a stack of unwanted corflute signs left over from an election campaign, read on for four ways you can help divert them from landfill.
1. Reprinting
Some printers are willing to take back old corflutes and print new signage for the next campaign on the blank side. According to the Australian Greens, reprinted corflutes are typically much cheaper than ordering brand new signs, as the printer does not need to use new materials. However, corflute signs need to be in good condition for the reprinting process to work well. Before delivering old corflutes to your printer, ensure that the signs are clean and not curved or bent.
2. Donate to a Wildlife Rescue Organisation
Wildlife rescue organisations can put old corflute signs to a variety of uses. ACT Wildlife, for example, used corflutes left over from the 2016 ACT election campaign as flaps for wombat burrows. The flaps were fitted with milk bottle lids filled with cydectin, a parasiticide used to kill harmful mites. As wombats passed through the flaps, the bottle lids tipped over to cover the wombats' backs with the chemical.
3. Donate to Gardening Groups
Community gardens and land care groups commonly use corflute tree guards to protect saplings from cold temperatures. These groups, which are usually not-for-profit organisations, typically source their tree guards from expensive suppliers. However, old election corflutes can easily be re-purposed into tree protectors with a little effort. Consider approaching community gardens in your area to see if your corflutes would be of use.
4. Donate to Local Schools
Schools often use a variety of plastic products in arts and crafts classes, and often have to rely on generous parents to donate recycled goods. Old corflute signs can be used to create toy props, impromptu box forts and collages. While a single school may not be able to take your entire corflute stock, you may be able to offload all of your unwanted signs by contacting a number of schools in your area.
Corflutes are an excellent way to get your political party's message out during election campaigns. However, unwanted corflutes often end up in landfill shortly after campaigns conclude. Next time your party finds itself with a room full of old election signs, consider following one of these steps for re-using corflutes to help reduce your impact on the environment.