Polling Day Over? 4 Ways You Can Re-Use Unwanted Corflute Election Signs

12 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Corflute signs can be used for many different purposes, but perhaps the most prolific use of corrugated plastic in Australia is for election signage. Australians typically vote in at least one state, federal or local government election each year. For every election, thousands of corflute signs are printed for the campaign and subsequently discarded. Unfortunately, many recyclers are unable to accept unwanted corflutes, as they need to be processed in a way different to most plastics. Read More 

Don’t Make These Mistakes When Choosing Business Signage

15 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Your business signage can alert customers and clients to your location but also draw in foot traffic from outside. This is why it's good to think seriously about the type of signage you choose for any business, whether that's a restaurant, retail store, or a day spa. Note a few mistakes that many business owners make when choosing signage for their facility and then consider how to avoid them yourself. Read More 

2 Arguments For LED As Opposed To Neon-Illuminated Signage

6 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

The visibility of signs used in and around a commercial building is often an issue of concern for a large number of business owners. For this reason, many business owners choose to invest in illuminated business signs in their bid to achieve the highest level of visibility for their brand. Neon and LED lighting technology are perhaps the most commonly used for the illumination of corporate signs. This article provides two arguments that support the use of LED-illuminated corporate signs instead of their neon-illuminated cousins. Read More 

LED or Neon? Choosing Illumination for Your Signs

20 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you're looking for illuminated signage for your business, channel letters or any other purpose, the two primary options at your disposal are LED and neon. Before choosing which will work better, you will, of course, consider certain factors. For instance, is one more durable? Will one cost less? For this reason, here are some of the things that make LED illumination a better option: Ease of Installation The ease of installation between LED and neon signage comes with the space usage. Read More